Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Make a list of new vocabulary from the movie that just you watch

I just finished watching an action movie that Jon Foo, my favourite british actor, starring, Bangkok Revenge. This movie, actually, just tell about the revenge experience of Manit (Jon Foo) who was a victim in the murder planning that killed her parents. He was only 10 years old and get a bullet in his brain from the murderer. He rescued from death by a master of Muay Thai boxing and afflicted with ataraxia (a brain injury that removes all human emotion). Manit has spent his life training to be a killing machine. 
20 years later, he's coming for revenge of his parents death. With fists, feet, and bloody vengeance, he's going to make them wish they were dead already. 
In this posting, I want to tell you how movie can help you to increase your vocabulary list when learning foreign language. From this movie, I make some new vocabulary list, although this movie is not using full English, but a half of Thai language, but I turn the subtitle menu into English and I get some new vocabulary. Here are the list of new vocabulary from this movie :
New Vocabulary List
inquiry : penyelidikan
bunch : gerombolan
hardship : penderitaan, kesulitan
 defend : mempertahankan
panting : engahan, terengah-engah
 vast : luas
colleagues : rekan
witness : saksi
peasant : petani 
screw : memasang
sneaky : berterus terang, jujur
marvelous : sangat baik
conscience : kata hati, suara hati
faking : penipu
enormous : sangat besar
There are an example to make a new vocabulary list from the film that you just watch. So the movie/film is is not only just an entertaintment when you bored but also can help you to increase your vocabulary list, depend on your language study, what's your language study of?
NOW. . .

Source :
-Giovani Trixie S-


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